Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common conditions I encounter at Active Health Podiatry.

It is uncomfortable, limiting and incredibly frustrating for the sufferer.

The usual symptoms reported are heel pain with that first step out of bed in the morning, or after periods of sitting.  Your heels can feel like they’re throbbing at the end of the day.

The Plantar Fascia is a tissue that runs from your heel, fanning out like a triangle towards your forefoot and attaching to the ball of your foot and your toes. Its action is to support your foot when you walk and ensure that you can use your foot as a lever to push through every step.

Unfortunately, in those with Plantar Fasciitis, the tissue is not able to cope and becomes unhealthy and thickened, which results in pain. This can be for a variety of reasons, some of which are issues with foot function, inadequate footwear, age, and weight.

Fortunately, recovery is very achievable, and relatively quick with correctly targeted treatment.

The first step (pardon the pun) is to establish the correct diagnosis and contributing factors. This is crucial as there are many differing causes of heel pain (see my earlier blog discussing this here).
A thorough assessment by an experienced Podiatrist is key.

It is very important that the time is spent to talk about the history of your pain, how it affects your day to day life, and crucial details such as your medical history, past and current activity levels, and footwear habits.

Your Podiatrist should then undertake a thorough physical assessment of your feet, overall posture, and the way you walk.

At Active Health Podiatry we will then take this information and develop a tailored management plan that will guide your recovery. This plan will summarise your condition, causes, goals for treatment, and the treatment options. Most importantly you will know what to expect at the next consult, and an approximate timeline for your recovery.

Don’t waste time feeling uncomfortable. Book an appointment today and take the path to recovery with Active Health Podiatry.

Click here to book your appointment now.