Plantar Fasciitis - Get the 'little things' right
Plantar Fasciitis is a condition that we see commonly at Active Health Podiatry.
Often our clients have been elsewhere and started the recovery process. They may have been prescribed foot orthotics and a few exercises, told that it would improve, and it hasn’t.
Over the years that I have been helping clients with Plantar Fasciitis I have come to see that there is not one ‘magic’ treatment that will work for everyone. Dealing with Plantar Fasciitis is about getting all of the little things right. The combination of all the ‘little things’ done right, is crucial in recovery.
My management plan always includes the following ‘little things’:
Footwear assessment and modification if required
Sports taping
Consideration of your activity load, and possible modifications
Foot exercises, including massage, ‘foot yoga’, and strengthening
These will often be combined with other options that are dependant on your situation and may be used:
Insoles or orthotics
Plantar Fascial Compression Garments
Dry Needling
Injection Therapy
Shockwave Therapy
Finally, the most underrated intervention that I utilise is understanding. I understand that your life may throw you challenges that make it difficult to undertake certain treatment options. Your management will always be tailored to your situation and together we will find the best way for you to get better, and back to being pain free.
If you wish to get a recovery plan in place today, book an appointment at Active Health Podiatry today by calling us on 8370 2356, or you can book online here.