Plantar Warts

What are warts?

Warts are lumpy growths on the skin that commonly affect the hands and feet. Warts that affect the feet are often referred to as Plantar Warts, Verrucae or Papilloma, and they can be a singular lump or occur in a cluster called a mosaic wart. Warts can vary greatly in size and appearance so are often misdiagnosed. In the clinic I often see people present with suspected corns that are in fact warts and vice versa. Thankfully a Podiatrist is very qualified to diagnose the lesion correctly and rule out other less common conditions that can look like a wart such as Melanoma, wounds, or various cysts.

Anyone can develop warts, but there are factors that increase the risk:

-        Scratching or shaving your own warts which can spread them to other areas

-        Injuries that break the skin surface

-        Going barefoot in public areas, particularly showers and pools

-        Frequently getting feet wet, or feet that sweat heavily

-        Direct contact with other warts

How are warts treated?

There are many different ways to treat warts, at Active Health Podiatry we are able to provide the following treatment options:

-        Topical Occlusive Acids: An ointment is applied onto the wart under a dressing and eliminates the wart with multiple applications. These treatments are typically painless and non-invasive.

-        Cryotherapy: Liquid nitrogen applied to the wart to freeze and destroy the warty tissue.

-        Faulkners Needling: Multiple puncture of the wart under local anaesthetic to destroy the lesion.


It’s easy to book! Give us a call on (03) 8370 2356 or book online via our website. 



Active Health Podiatry in Croydon offers a comprehensive and diverse range of podiatry services and treatments. All feet are unique and from all walks of life (no pun intended!). Our podiatry services are tailored to your needs to ensure happy, healthy feet, to keep you active!


Daniel Walsh


Active Health Podiatry